A More Accessible Victoria For Cyclists And Pedestrians

Thursday 13 October 2016

The Andrews Labor Government will work to support the growing rates of cycling and walking in Victoria with the launch of Active Transport Victoria (ATV).

Minister for Roads and Road Safety Luke Donnellan today announced that the new unit will take the lead and become the contact point for all cycling and pedestrian projects.

ATV will work with local councils and communities right across Victoria to better coordinate the planning of infrastructure, and ensure projects are built where they are need most, and delivered on time.

It will also put active modes of transport such as walking and cycling front and centre, better connecting them to the broader transport network.

The unit will be part of Transport for Victoria – a new overarching transport agency to coordinate Victoria’s road and public transport system and plan for its future.

ATV will work with VicRoads and the TAC to prioritise and invest in infrastructure that keeps cyclists and pedestrians safe through the Labor Government’s $100 million Safer Cyclists and Pedestrians Fund.

It will also be responsible for finalising and implementing Victoria’s Cycling Strategy, following its release in the coming months.

For more information about Active Transport Victoria, please visit transport.vic.gov.au/active-transport-victoria

Quotes attributable to Minister for Roads and Road Safety Luke Donnellan

“Active Transport Victoria will fly the flag for all cyclists and pedestrians and ensure we’re building the infrastructure our state needs to cater for the growing population.”  

“We want to encourage more Victorians to travel with their feet – not only is it better for their health and fitness, it helps take cars off the road and reduces congestion.”