$9 Million To Support Victorian Apprentices And Trainees

Thursday 4 February 2016

The Andrews Labor Government is boosting its support for Group Training Organisations (GTOs) to give Victoria’s future workforce the skills they need for the jobs they want.

Premier Daniel Andrews and Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert today joined apprentices from Gforce at Breakwater Kitchens in Geelong to announce GTOs will share in $9.3 million over three years.

This will provide certainty until 2018 for thousands of Victorian apprentices and trainees after the Federal Liberal Government axed support for the GTO program.

Today’s announcement follows the $3.1 million the Labor Government committed to GTOs last year to fill the gap left by the Federal Liberals.

GTOs play a crucial role in supporting people to develop the skills they need to get long-lasting and rewarding jobs. They often help disadvantaged apprentices and trainees in our community.

This money will help support more than 17,000 apprentices and trainees over the next three years and play a critical role in helping them find regular employment as they move through their training.

Since coming to government, the Federal Liberals have ripped $2 billion away from training and skills, cutting support programs for apprentices and trainees.

As part of building the Education State, the Labor Government is committed to supporting the skills of the next generation of Victorian workers through a range of programs to boost apprentices and trainees.

Quotes attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

“Apprentices and trainees are the backbone of Victoria’s training system and the future of our workforce. We’re giving them every opportunity to get the skills they need for the jobs they want.”

“Group Training Organisations play such a vital role in supporting our apprentices and trainees to develop their skills and this funding means they can continue to do just that.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert

“Group Training Organisations often train and employ Victorians who would struggle to get an apprenticeship through other means – so the Federal Liberal cuts were just cruel.”

“Our funding will make sure that these organisations can continue to provide support and job security to apprentices and trainees in the years ahead.”

Quotes attributable to the Member for Geelong Christine Couzens

“Gforce do great work in Geelong giving young people the chance to learn a trade. With this funding certainty, they can continue their vital work over the years ahead.”