- Published:
- Friday 23 January 2015
The Andrews Labor Government has revived the original plans for a major new centre for jobs and growth in Melbourne’s West.
In 2008, East Werribee was selected as the future site of a major metropolitan centre – the East Werribee Employment Precinct – home to 7,000 families and 58,000 jobs.
Acting Minister for Planning, Robin Scott, said the previous Liberal Government had compromised this vision, putting the whole project at risk by seeking a short-term cash grab for upfront funding.
Today, the Metropolitan Planning Authority issued an addendum to the state’s request for proposals (RFP), preserving the original vision by allowing bidders to submit longer-term plans for the area’s development.
Member for Werribee and Treasurer Tim Pallas said this provides greater flexibility for the commercial terms and conditions of the sale and development of the site and is expected to increase the quality of the bids received.
Short-listed parties are required to respond to a Request for Proposal for the Major Development Parcel of 395 ha by 18 February 2015.
The East Werribee Employment Precinct – to be developed on the largest surplus government land holding within Metropolitan Melbourne – is one of six National Employment Clusters.
The Labor Government will restore transparency and integrity to public land sales. Submissions will be evaluated to ensure the State receives the maximum return and that plans are consistent with the Precinct Structure Plan.
Quotes attributable to Member for Werribee, Tim Pallas
“This gets the project back on track, creating 58,000 jobs and homes for 7,000 families.”
“We only get one chance to build this community, and it needs to be done right.“
“The precinct is too important to allow a short-term financial gain to threaten its future and its purpose.”
“The Liberals’ approach to the bid process would limited jobs and growth and left locals behind.”