100 New Homes Through New Rentals Development Program

Thursday 5 December 2019

Tenants once at risk of homelessness have begun moving into 100 new and affordable homes thanks to the Andrews Labor Government.

Minister for Housing Richard Wynne today visited some of the new properties in Moonee Ponds and met residents. The vast majority of tenants are women aged over 55 – and many have fled family violence.

The Labor Government’s New Rentals Development Program provides subsidies over the next decade to community housing agencies to lease newly-built homes to house low income and disadvantaged Victorians.

The Government has invested $10 million to help house more than 100 tenants at risk of homelessness, partnering with Common Equity Housing and Affordable Rentals Victoria.

Under the program, around 540 rental properties will be leased from the private sector by housing agencies to increase the availability of social housing rental stock and encourage investment in new social housing for the rental market.

Common Equity Housing join Housing Choices Australia and Housing First as the agencies to deliver the first round of the New Rentals Development Program.

The program is the first project delivered as part of the Labor Government’s $1 billion Social Housing Growth Fund – which is expected to create up to 2,200 new social housing properties across the state over the next five years.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Housing Richard Wynne

“Everyone deserves the safety and security of a roof over their head. This program is about making sure people at risk of falling into homelessness can get secure housing to get their lives back on track.”

“By partnering with the community housing and private sectors, we’re providing more homes for Victorians who need one.”

Quote attributable to Member for Essendon Danny Pearson

“Many tenants who find homes as part of this program are fleeing family violence. We’re proud to be giving them the help they need at such a difficult time.”