- Published:
- Thursday 13 June 2019
The Andrews Labor Government has today announced the appointment of a leading advocate for women and children at risk of family violence as Victoria’s new Victims of Crime Commissioner.
Minster for Victim Support Ben Carroll today announced that Fiona McCormack, former CEO of Domestic Violence Victoria, will serve as the new Commissioner from 8 July 2019.
Ms McCormack has more than 20 years’ experience working with communities and governments to improve outcomes for women and children at risk of family violence.
The Victims of Crime Commissioner is an independent and central point of contact for victims of violent crime who have experienced difficulties in their dealings with the justice system and government agencies.
The Commissioner also acts as a voice for victims of crime in the justice system and advocates on their behalf to government, public prosecution agencies and Victoria Police.
The Labor Government has boosted the Commissioner’s role and given them expanded powers to better support victims involved in the justice system.
The expanded powers give the Commissioner the ability to review the outcome of a victim’s complaint under the Victims Charter Act, as well as making recommendations to improve the practices of relevant agencies. The Commissioner’s expanded monitoring, oversight and reporting functions come into effect in November.
The Labor Government is completely overhauling the way victims of crime receive compensation and support – delivering on recommendations of the Victorian Law Reform Commission's review of financial assistance for victims of crime. The Commissioner will play a key role as government delivers these reforms.
Quotes attributable to Minister for Victim Support Ben Carroll
“The Victims of Crime Commissioner plays a key role in advocating the needs of victims, something Fiona has significant experience in, having worked with victim survivors of family violence for many years.”
“We know how important the Victims of Crime Commissioner role is, which is why we’ve expanded their powers, so they can better help victims navigate the justice system.”
Quotes attributable to Attorney-General Jill Hennessy
“Fiona is a leader in victim advocacy both here in Victoria and overseas – she has worked tirelessly to help improve outcomes for victim survivors of family violence – something I’m sure she’ll continue to do in this new role.”
“I congratulate her on her appointment, and I also want to thank Greg Davies for his service as the first Victims of Crime Commissioner for Victoria.”
Quotes attributable to Victims of Crime Commissioner Fiona McCormack
"It is an honour to be entrusted with such an important responsibility – advocating on behalf of victims of crime."
"I look forward to working with the government, departments and service providers to help ensure that our justice system is better positioned to meet the needs of victims of crime."