Record Funding For Victoria’s Public Libraries

Friday 23 June 2017

The Andrews Labor Government is spending more money than ever before on Victoria’s public libraries.

Minister for Local Government Natalie Hutchins visited Bargoonga Nganjin North Fitzroy Library today to announce record funding for public libraries to buy books, update computers and deliver programs for school kids.

The Victorian Budget 2017/18 provided $42.5 million for the Public Libraries Funding Program - a 2.5% increase from last year.

More than $1.72 million from the record investment will go to Vision Australia’s information and library services, opening these services for people who are blind or have low vision, or a print disability.

The funding comes on top of the $4.5 million Living Libraries Infrastructure Program, which provides grants to build, redevelop or refurbish libraries across the state.

The Labor Government is also providing $4.4 million over four years for the Premiers' Reading Challenge Book Fund, so public libraries can purchase materials to get more kids reading.

Victoria is home to 275 permanent library branches and 30 mobile library services, with more than 2.1 million library members registered in the state.

On average, just under one in five Victorians visit their local library.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Local Government Natalie Hutchins

“The Andrews Labor Government is giving our councils and public libraries the resources they need to continue delivering important services for Victorian communities.”

“We understand the importance of libraries to Victorians and that’s why we’re continuing to support them with record funding.”

Quote attributable to the Member for Richmond Richard Wynne

“We are proud to be funding library services across the state, including Bargoonga Nganjin, which is a safe and welcoming place where everybody can come to study and explore.''