Protecting Victoria’s Heritage

Monday 8 August 2016

Minister for Planning Richard Wynne has today launched a new heritage grants program that will support the repair and conservation of ‘at risk’ heritage places and objects included in the Victorian Heritage Register.

The Living Heritage Grants program will provide opportunities for community and not-for-profit organisations, committees of management and local councils to obtain funding for heritage works.

Matched funding will also be available for places of worship and, in some instances, heritage places and objects in private ownership where a broader community benefit can be demonstrated.

A $7 million program over four years, the Living Heritage Grants Program is part of a $30 million funding boost by the Andrews Labor Government to safeguard and protect Victoria’s key heritage places.

Applications will close on 7 November and application details and guidelines are available online at…

There will be subsequent programs in 2017, 2018 and 2019.

The grants will help secure the future of many heritage places which contribute to the liveability and cultural diversity of Victoria, providing a wide range of economic, social and community benefits.

Heritage is a major attraction for all Victoria, with the latest data showing that the State’s heritage buildings, sites and monuments were visited by more than 1.9 million people last year, including around one million international visitors.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Planning Richard Wynne

“Our heritage enriches local communities and provides a sense of identity and pride.”

“The grant program is an investment in the both the past and future of communities and will help ensure our heritage is preserved for many generations to enjoy.”