Prisons Get New Power To Stop Riots And Keep Staff Safe

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Victorian prisons have this week been given new powers to help officers prevent serious incidents turning into riots and keep staff safe.

The new powers will allow for the use of bean bag rounds to help de-escalate a situation or bring a serious incident to a speedier resolution.

Bean bag rounds are a non-lethal measure that target individuals at a distance to briefly render them immobile.

This reform, made by the Andrews Labor Government, came into force on August 18.

The bean bag rounds will only be used in limited circumstances and by highly trained specialist prison staff.

They will give the Security and Emergency Services Group staff another tactical option in the event of a major disturbance.

All police forces in Australia use bean bag rounds and they are available to prison staff in other states and many corrections departments worldwide.

In addition, the Labor Government is considering further measures to reduce the chance of another major disturbance.

A preliminary estimate of the damage for the MRC riot is between $10 million and $12 million.

The Labor Government has appointed Kieran Walshe to head an independent investigation into the MRC riot. The investigation will report in early November.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Corrections, Wade Noonan

“The criminal behaviour that occurred at the Metropolitan Remand Centre will not be tolerated.”

“Our prison staff worked hard to restore order at the MRC in extremely difficult circumstances.’’

“Bean bag rounds will provide prisons with an additional and effective non-lethal option to keep them safe while dealing with serious unrest.”