Port Of Hastings Ready For More Jobs And Growth

Friday 1 April 2016

The Andrews Labor Government has reaffirmed its support for the continued operation of the Port of Hastings as a bulk port supporting Victoria’s growth and jobs.

Minister for Ports Luke Donnellan today officially announced Mr Malcolm Geier as the new Chief Executive Officer of Port of Hasting Development Authority.

Mr Geier brings to the role substantial qualifications following a successful ten years at the Port of Portland, with the last six years as Business Development Manager during a major growth period which saw significant increases in exports and volume.

The Port of Hastings is an important asset for Victoria’s growing import and export market, and offers significant development opportunities for bulk industries including the refined fuel, oil and gas industries.

Infrastructure Victoria will provide the Government with advice regarding the preferred location for Victoria’s second container port. The advice will assess both Bay West and Hastings.

Whilst Infrastructure Victoria are conducting their second container port assessment the Government expects the Port of Hastings to pursue non container related business with the support of regional councils and businesses.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Ports Luke Donnellan

“The Port of Hastings is primed for more business and growth – it’s well suited to meet some of Victoria’s future bulk capacity needs and there is also significant capacity to increase ship visits.”

“The appointment of Mr Geier as CEO is at an important time when the port looks to attract new business and increase the bulk capacity of the port of Hastings.”

“The Government will support the region, including councils and businesses, to work with the Port of Hastings to seize on new market opportunities and create jobs.”

Quotes attributable to Chair of the Port of Hastings Development Authority Craig Cook

“The year ahead will be challenging and exciting for the authority.”

“I would like to thank Dr Michael Kennedy who has been interim CEO and has played an integral role in continuing the momentum created in attracting new proponents to the facilities at the port of Hastings.”