Permit Scheme For Summer Fire Season Preparedness

Thursday 7 October 2021

Victorians are encouraged to start preparing for the upcoming fire season and complete fire prevention works around their properties in regional Victoria.

Minister for Emergency Services Jaclyn Symes today announced a permit system to ensure that Victorians from metropolitan Melbourne or any other restricted regions are not prevented from being able to undertake fire preparedness activities at a second property in regional Victoria.

From today, regional property owners from metropolitan Melbourne or any other restricted regions can apply to the relevant council where their second property is located for written formal approval to undertake fire preparedness of their properties.

Property owners will need to provide information about location, type of work to be undertaken and date of travel. Permits can be issued by local councils and effective from 11 October.

For residents traveling from metropolitan Melbourne or any other restricted regions, the Chief Health Officer directions that apply to their primary residence will travel with them.

Regional property owners are encouraged to use local contractors or neighbours to determine if preparedness work is required ahead of making travel plans to undertake the work. Local contractors should also be used to undertake preparedness work, wherever possible.

Local councils will continue to issue Fire Prevention Notices where it is deemed necessary to place an obligation on property owners. Residents issued with a Fire Prevention Notice are legally bound to comply and can travel to their property to clean it up.

For more information on the permit scheme visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Emergency Services Jaclyn Symes

“We know how important it is to be prepared for the upcoming fire season – this system allows for this vital work while keeping regional communities safe.”

“Our emergency services agencies are preparing for the upcoming fire season and we’re asking all Victorians to do their bit to prepare in a COVID-safe way.

211007 - Permit Scheme For Summer Fire Season Preparedness.pdf
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