On Site Housing And Support For Rough Sleepers

Wednesday 14 June 2017

The Andrews Labor Government is building new modular homes to provide safe, secure housing for Victorians who are homeless.

Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing Martin Foley inspected the first of six modular homes under construction in Preston today – one of five locations across metropolitan Melbourne where these modular houses will be built over the next six months.

The modular units are expected to house 30 people with on-site support services provided 24-hours a day.

They are a short-term accommodation option that will give tenants the support they need to move into and sustain longer-term accommodation. The units will be retained by the Government for use where temporary housing solutions are required.

The process is now underway to identify tenants who will benefit from the innovative housing model and intensive support to sustain their housing.

Nearly $10 million has been provided through the Labor Government’s Towards Home program.

In addition, the Labor Government will provide a $1.5 million boost to Tenancy Plus – a support program for social housing tenants experiencing difficulties.

Tenancy Plus was established in 2006 as the Social Housing Advocacy Support Program. It will now receive annual funding of $7.2 million and its emphasis will shift from crisis intervention to a pro-active early intervention approach providing assistance to more than 3,800 tenants whose tenancies may be a risk.

The previous Liberal government cut the budget for this program. This boost will mean that tenants of community housing agencies, who have signed up to the Victorian Housing Register, will be eligible to receive services under the program.

The additional funding also strengthens the response to people who enter long-term social housing having been homeless or experienced family violence.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing Martin Foley

“This is a new approach that will deliver transitional housing and individual support to people who need it most.”

“It will make sure people are supported as they make the journey back to stable housing, improve their health and wellbeing, and reconnect with family and community.”

“These responses have been developed in a genuine effort to resolve chronic homelessness and prolonged rough sleeping.”