Labour Hire Inquiry Discussion Paper Released

Friday 16 October 2015

Minister for Industrial Relations Natalie Hutchins has today welcomed the release of a discussion paper on the labour hire industry and the rate of insecure work in Victoria.

Ms Hutchins said the discussion paper marked the beginning of the independent inquiry chaired by Professor Anthony Forsyth.

The discussion paper provides an overview of the labour hire industry, the prevalence of insecure work and its impact on workers, businesses and the community.

While largely a legitimate employer and contributor to the economy, evidence has emerged that some labour hire operators were exploiting workers and avoiding their legal obligations.

The inquiry will investigate the extent of these practices, and the industries and locations in which they occur.

It will also consider options for regulatory reform including a licensing scheme for labour hire businesses and investigate how regulation of temporary work is utilised overseas.

Written submissions can be emailed to by 27 November.

The discussion paper, terms of reference, local hearing dates and more information can be found at

Quotes attributable to Minister for Industrial Relations Natalie Hutchins

“I welcome the release of the discussion paper and the beginning of the inquiry’s work into assessing and addressing these issues.”

“From workers, families, employer and community groups, everyone should make their voices heard on this issue.”

“This is a problem that cannot continue to go unaddressed – it’s hurting workers, communities and employers who are doing the right thing.”