- Published:
- Friday 11 December 2015
The Andrews Labor Government will conduct a broad review into Victoria’s ticketing enforcement regime to ensure it is equitable, effective and fair.
The Public Transport Ombudsman’s recent Annual Report raises questions about the former Liberal Government’s fare enforcement regime.
A comprehensive review of fare enforcement is also timely, given regulations covering many public transport ticketing offences are due to expire in just over six months.
The review will look at how agencies and operators carry out compliance and enforcement activities, opportunities to improve ticketing fines and ticketing regulations, and how penalty fares interact with ticketing fines.
The review will commence in December 2015 and recommendations will be provided to the Minister for Public Transport in March 2016.
It will be led by the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources. Consultation will be undertaken with a broad range of stakeholders, including public transport user groups, transport peak bodies and key legal and union representatives.
Quotes attributable to Minister for Public Transport, Jacinta Allan
“The recent Public Transport Ombudsman’s report, and the upcoming expiry of the current regulations, mean now is the time to undertake a comprehensive review of our fare enforcement policies and procedures.”
“The Andrews Labor Government will look at every aspect of the fare enforcement regime, from compliance activities, to the nature and level of fines, and the process for challenging an infringement.”
“Fares support our public transport system and it’s critical that their enforcement is equitable, effective and fair.”