- Published:
- Thursday 5 March 2015
The Andrews Labor Government – on the advice of Victoria Police and health and legal experts – will embark on a landmark, $45.5 million effort to reduce the supply, demand and harm of a drug that’s ruining lives.
Premier Daniel Andrews today released Victoria’s Ice Action Plan. It was developed on the advice of the Premier’s Ice Action Taskforce and has been delivered, as promised, within the first 100 days of the Government.
Ice use is a complex problem that demands a long-term solution, but the Ice Action Plan deals with the things that cannot wait. It’s about supporting families, treating users and making our community safer.
Under the Plan, the Government will invest $4.7 million to help families identify and manage ice users and $1 million to support frontline workers who are at risk of getting attacked at work.
The Government will invest $18 million to expand drug treatment and rehabilitation, so users can get the help they need, and set up a dedicated Ice Help Line that directs families and health professionals to the support they need.
New measures to reduce the growing supply of ice on our streets include a $4.5 million plan to crack down on clandestine drug labs and tough laws to stop dealers and manufacturers.
Community safety is our priority. The Government will invest $15 million for new drug and booze buses and provide $500,000 to help community groups tackle ice use in their local area.
A stable job means a stable life, and the Andrews Labor Government is improving the prospects of young, at-risk people with the $1 billion Back to Work Plan and the $320 million TAFE Rescue Fund.
The Ice Action Plan builds on the Victorian Parliament’s landmark 2014 Inquiry into the supply and use of ice, which identified a significant increase in the number of people in their 20s using ice.
The work of the Premier’s Ice Action Taskforce will continue, with a long-term role to support the implementation of the Plan and advise the Government where more effort is needed.
Download PDF: Ice Action Plan(opens in a new window)