Have Your Say On How Victoria Manages Our Plants And Animals

Thursday 17 March 2016

Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Lisa Neville today called for community feedback to two integral plans which will shape the way Victoria manages its native plants and animals.

Protecting Victoria's Environment - Biodiversity 2036 is the Andrews Labor Government’s long term strategy for stopping the decline of Victoria’s biodiversity and improving our natural environment so it is healthy, valued and cared for.

The release of the biodiversity plan coincides with the release of a consultation paper for the review of Native Vegetation Clearing Regulations. Feedback on these will help inform the final plan and the revision of the regulations due for release later this year.

The development of the plan, coupled with a refresh of the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 (FFG Act) later in the year, will ensure that Victoria has a modern and effective approach to protecting Victoria’s biodiversity.

The biodiversity plan aims to encourage more Victorians to value and protect nature by helping them connect with and enjoy their environment. It also aims to drive action from local businesses, government and people will help to stop the decline of our biodiversity through investment, improved decision making and planning, and through volunteer action.

A changing climate necessitates a new direction for the management of biodiversity in Victoria, giving our native plants and animals the best opportunity to adapt and survive.

Get involved in the conversation on the draft biodiversity plan, contribute to the Native Vegetation Review paper and learn more about the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act at http://haveyoursay.delwp.vic.gov.au

Quotes attributable to Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Lisa Neville

“We’re encouraging Victorians to give us their input and ideas for how we can achieve a healthy, valued and actively cared for environment together.”

“You can tell us if we are on the right track and where there are opportunities to work together.”

“The biodiversity plan is about setting long term priorities for biodiversity in this state and we need as many voices to contribute to that as we can get.”

“We would like your feedback on the issues identified and the proposed improvements outlined in the Consultation paper to help shape the review of the Native Vegetation Regulations.”