Concourse Golf Drives Manufacturing Into A New Era

Tuesday 16 May 2017

In a major coup for Victorian manufacturing, the world’s most innovative golf buggy will be designed and built right here in Melbourne, creating nearly 200 local jobs.

Visiting the team at Concourse Golf in Dandenong today, Minister for Industry and Employment Wade Noonan and Member for Dandenong Gabrielle Williams congratulated the company on choosing Melbourne to establish its new Australian headquarters.

Concourse Golf will consolidate its operations by moving manufacturing from China and its head office from Sydney.

It will create 198 new jobs by 2020 in production and research and development.

SRX Global Australia in Dandenong will manufacture Concourse Golf’s cutting-edge new technology – the Concourse Golf Smart Wheels.

The Smart Wheels are self-contained units that convert existing manual push buggies into electric buggies by simply changing the wheels.

The technology will change the way electric golf buggies operate and can be potentially applied to a range of other industries, including health and logistics.

The Andrews Labor Government is bringing new businesses and new jobs to Victoria thanks to a range of support programs.

Our flagship Investment Attraction and Assistance Program (IAAP) – helping businesses set up shop in Victoria – received an additional $90 million in the Victorian Budget 2017/18.

Since coming to power, the Labor Government has facilitated investments to create more than 11,000 new jobs.

We will always support local jobs and industries – that means creating and protecting jobs, driving innovation and supporting economic growth.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Industry and Employment Wade Noonan

“More and more companies are choosing Victoria to do business – because we truly are the place to be.”

“We are delighted that Concourse Golf has chosen Melbourne to establish its Australian headquarters, creating nearly 200 local jobs and securing our reputation as the home of manufacturing.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Dandenong Gabrielle Williams

“Concourse Golf is delivering a major manufacturing boost to Dandenong – one of the biggest industries in the south-east.”

“We’ll continue helping businesses establish themselves here to support local jobs and investment.”

Quotes attributable to Concourse Golf Managing Director David MacKay

“With the support of the Andrews Labor Government, we’ve been able to relocate to Melbourne and tap the world-class manufacturing base that exists in Victoria.”