City of Yarra’s character and heritage protected

Thursday 30 April 2015

Residents in Melbourne’s inner north who feared poor planning policy would destroy their neighbourhoods have been reassured their streets have been protected.

The Minister for Planning and Member for Richmond, Richard Wynne, has delivered on his election promise that planning zones would protect, not destroy, neighbourhoods in his electorate.

Zones for Yarra drafted under the previous Coalition planning minister threatened to allow unsuitably tall apartment buildings on streets better suited to lower-density housing.

The zonings languished on the previous planning minister’s desk for months and were never finalised. The delay meant there was no certainty for developers wanting to invest in the area, nor locals wanting to know what could be built in their streets.

Yarra residents called on their local member to act on their behalf and Mr Wynne has now finalised planning rules in consultation with the City of Yarra which allow for new housing in appropriate areas.

The Neighbourhood Residential Zone, which restricts over-development, has been applied across the council’s heritage precincts. Higher densities will be supported around the commercial and former industrial areas, where taller buildings are best suited.

The Andrews Labor Government is working to rebuild community confidence in the planning system, and is committed to striking a balance between protecting valued local heritage and character, supporting growth and catering for the diverse housing needs across the State.

An independent review of the previous government’s zoning process will soon be carried out. As the Minister for Planning, Mr Wynne will make sure future planning changes involve transparency and consultation.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Planning and Member for Richmond, Richard Wynne

“The streets around Yarra are full of history and character, it is our responsibility ensure their heritage and liveability are preserved, not torn apart.

“The City of Yarra and residents in my electorate were ignored by the previous government. These changes are about listening to the local community and encouraging vibrant, healthy neighbourhoods.

“The new zones will offer greater certainly to residents and developers about development options in the City of Yarra”.