Bringing New Voices To Mining And Resources In Victoria

Wednesday 30 March 2016

A reformed Earth Resources Ministerial Advisory Council will provide strategic advice on the sustainable development of Victoria’s mining and resources industry.

For the first time, the Ministerial Advisory Council has been broadened to include representatives from the community, unions and environmental groups as well as industry.

The first meeting of the newly formed Council was held in Ballarat on Wednesday 30 March.

The greater range of views and advice will help provide greater certainty for industry investment and build community confidence in Victoria’s mining and resources sector.

Dr Richard Aldous has been appointed Council Chair. Dr Aldous is a former CEO of the Cooperative Research Centre For Greenhouse Gas Technologies and has extensive experience in earth resources both in the private and public sector.

The 15 member Council also includes representatives from the Victorian Farmers Federation, Minerals Council of Australia, Environmental Justice Australia, the Municipal Association of Victoria, water catchment management authorities, unions and community engagement groups.

The Council will consider reforms which attract investment, provide effective and efficient regulation, and build community confidence in the regulation and performance of the sector through open engagement practices and performance reporting.

Establishing the Council is part of the Andrews Labor Government’s work to ensure Victoria’s mining and resources sector is developed sustainably in order to give both the community and industry confidence in the sector.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Energy and Resources Lily D’Ambrosio

“Broadening the Council will help the government develop Victoria’s resources sector to create jobs and grow local economies while balancing environmental issues and community concerns.”

“We are developing a new approach to mineral resource exploration and development in Victoria to make sure the community and industry have confidence and certainty in how decisions are made.”