Abbott’s Ignorance On Renewable Energy Will Cost Victoria Jobs

Thursday 11 June 2015

Tony Abbott’s comments today regarding his efforts to reduce the number of wind turbines is yet another example of the Federal Government putting Victorian jobs and renewable energy in jeopardy.

The clean energy industry in Victoria supports more than 4000 jobs, and many companies that currently supply the automotive industry are looking at renewable energy projects as a lifeline for their business.

Endless studies have shown no substantial evidence that wind farms cause adverse health effects to humans.

In Victoria, we currently have 19 wind farms with a combined capacity of 2,489 megawatts (MW) that have planning approval but are yet to be commissioned.

This pipeline of wind projects, if fully developed, will result in an estimated investment of just under $5 billion and support as many as 2,638 jobs throughout regional Victoria.

Victoria’s previous Coalition Government stifled billions worth of renewable energy investment and the Federal Government has taken the same dismal approach.

The Andrews Labor Government has delivered a $20 million New Energy Jobs Fund and streamlined planning changes to give our wind farm industry the support it needs to produce sustainable energy and boost jobs.

While the Abbott Government’s attitude on renewable energy is damaging, the Andrews Labor Government will lead the way and ensure Victoria secures billions of dollars’ worth of investment and jobs.

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Energy, Lily D’Ambrosio

“Tony Abbott’s comments are yet another example for why he needs to get out of the way, change the law and let Victoria have its own renewable energy target, to support our jobs and industry.”

“When Tony Abbott attacks the renewable energy industry, he’s attacking Victorian jobs.”

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Planning, Richard Wynne

“Lack of leadership from the Tony Abbott and the previous Victorian Coalition Government caused our state’s windfarm industry to collapse, stifling regional jobs.”

“The Andrews Labor Government supports renewable energy. We’ve streamlined the planning approval process, providing a clear path for investment in wind farms.”