A Family Violence Memorial For Victoria – Have Your Say

Wednesday 30 November 2016

Planning is underway for a memorial to honour the victims and survivors of family violence, with public consultation opening today to give Victorians the chance to have their say.

The Andrews Labor Government and the City of Melbourne are partnering to create the memorial, which will provide a public space for all members of the community to reflect and heal.

The project is being guided by the newly established Victims Survivors’ Advisory Council, chaired by former Australian of the Year Rosie Batty.

Public consultation will help ensure that the scale, location and design of the memorial will be shaped by those affected by family violence and the broader community.

The public consultation will run until 19 December 2016, as part of the Victoria Against Violence campaign.

The start of the public consultation process coincides with today’s official premiere of The Hope Project, a short documentary film created by Domestic Violence Victoria that tells the stories of victim survivors.

The online survey can be found at www.participate.melbourne.vic.gov.au/fvmemorial.

Hard copies of the survey are available at women’s health and family violence support services throughout Victoria. For further information, please contact the Department of Premier and Cabinet.

Quotes attributable to Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence Fiona Richardson

“Having a public space dedicated to the victims and survivors of family violence gives this trauma a visible presence, and allows the whole community to witness and share in the grief and losses of family violence.”

“We would love to see people across Victoria express their thoughts, ideas and visions for the memorial, so we can design and create a space about strength and dignity.”

Quotes attributable to Lord Mayor of Melbourne Robert Doyle

“This memorial symbolises our opposition to family violence, which causes such insidious damage to our community.”

“Together we will continue to raise awareness, advocate for victims and focus on keeping the city safe for everyone.”

Quote attributable to Victims Survivors’ Advisory Council Co-Chair Kristy McKellar

“The memorial will be a permanent safe space. It will pay tribute to lives lost and those impacted by family violence. It will unite us to shape change, so that women and girls can live free from fear and violence.”