- Published:
- Thursday 25 April 2024
The Allan Labor Government has removed a dangerous level crossing at Brunt Road in Beaconsfield – making it the 76th level crossing removed in Melbourne since 2015.
Minister for Transport Infrastructure Danny Pearson today announced work to connect Brunt Road with a new road bridge has been completed – giving drivers, cyclists and pedestrians a safer crossing over the Pakenham Line.
The new road bridge will drastically improve the journeys of the 8,400 drivers passing through each day and give locals a new cycling and walking connection to schools, shops and services on either side of the rail line.
Following a construction blitz, crews laid more than 2,400 tonnes of asphalt along the 570-metre bridge, measuring more than 10 metres high – and approximately 100 trees and 50,000 plants, shrubs and grasses are set to be planted along the new road bridge over the coming months.
With traffic now flowing over the new Brunt Road bridge, works will begin to remove the congested level crossing at Station Street, Officer on Saturday 18 May – making the Pakenham Line one step closer to becoming level crossing-free by 2025.
Construction is also progressing on the nearby Station Street, Beaconsfield level crossing removal, which will be gone for good next year.
Removing 76 level crossings has saved close to 50 hours of boom gate down time during the morning peak every day and allowed for additional train services across Melbourne.
Works are continuing at pace across Melbourne to remove another 10 level crossings before the end of the year, with 110 to go by 2030.
Quotes attributable to Minister for Transport and Infrastructure Danny Pearson
“Removing the Brunt Road, Beaconsfield level crossing a year ahead of schedule is a win for all commuters – safety will be improved, and drivers will no longer get stuck at the boom gates.
Quote attributable to Member for Pakenham Emma Vulin
"Removing the level crossing at Brunt Road will transform our Officer community and make sure we aren’t held up at the boom gates anymore."
Quote attributable to Member for South Eastern Metropolitan Michael Galea
"We’re getting rid of all the level crossings in Beaconsfield and the removal of the Brunt Road level crossing marks a significant milestone, making the area safer and making it easier for people to get to where they’re going.”
Quote attributable to Member for South Eastern Metropolitan Lee Tarlamis
“When the busy Pakenham Line is level crossing-free and the Metro Tunnel opens next year, train passengers in the south east will benefit from more train services, more often.”